Master Secondary Sales - Secondary Sales Extraction and Tracking

Our Approach


Receive statements

Sales and stock statements are received during the closing between 26th to 5th of the month from

1) Stockist
2) Distribution Team
3) Field Force

Stockist Identification

Identification of Stockist is done based on the following meta data

1) Email Id of sender.
2) GST
3) Information present in the statements.

Data Extraction

Mapping of the file to extract data by

1) Automatic data extraction of previously mapped files.
2) Manual Identification of columns where respective data is present.

Data standardization and reports

Following Standardization of the data is performed before generating the reports

1) Products mapping to Common Company Code
2) Checking of the data
3) Mapping with PTS
4) Conversion of C class stockist data

Got Any Questions?

We’ve put together some commonly asked questions to give you more information. For any further queries please get in touch by clicking the button below.
  • How does it benefit us ?
    Your organisation gets 100% accurate visibility of secondary sales for the statements received across teams. Complete transparency and control of data lies with the organization.
  • How will the data be collected and what formats are accepted?
    It's a field independent method of extracting the data. All files are received through email and are directly sent by the stockist or uploaded by the field force. We have extensive file format support which includes Excel, PDF, HTML, TXT and CSV.
  • What sort of reports will be available to us?
    We provide stockist wise, product wise secondary and closing stock information. You get access to our powerful analytics dashboard that is tailored to your requirements, which can be integrated into existing mobile/web applications.
  • What sort of support do we get?
    We provide support for continued stockist reach out and follow up through email reminders month on month.

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